Legally Pink Law is available to assist you if you have been involved in a motorcycle accident in Orlando, Florida. While it may be impossible to prevent all motorcycle accident, there are a few tips you can follow to drastically limit your chance of an accident. If you wear a helmet, one that has a sticker indicating DOT ( Department of Transportation) compliance, then the likelihood of severe injury is decreased if you are involved in an accident. (Source: Wikipedia)
“Since the repeal of the helmet law in 2000, the number of fatal crashes for every 10,000 registered motorcycles increased by 21 percent, suggesting motorcyclists without helmets are more likely to suffer serious and fatal injuries,” Ride Smart Florida reported. Make sure you buy a new helmet if you drop your old one on a hard surface or if it sustains a heavy blow, as it may no longer be safe to use. “37 percent of motorcyclists were not wearing a safety helmet before a fatal crash during 2010,” according to Ride Smart Florida.
Make sure to buy a helmet that fits comfortably and does not impair your hearing or vision. Helmets run anywhere from $100 to $800 or more, and because we’re talking about protecting your safety, now’s not the time to be frugal.
If you have been in a motorcycle accident don’t delay in calling Legally Pink Law so we can immediately start putting together the pieces of the accident, handle all of the necessary paperwork, and allow you to focus on healing.