If you have been in an automobile accident in Orlando, Florida then please feel free to contact Legally Pink Law to schedule an appointment with one of our Personal Injury Attorneys. While texting and driving has often been thought of as a “teenage problem,” it’s not only teens that are doing it.
However, a shocking new study released by USA Today showed that adults are actually more likely to text and drive than teenagers. Almost 50 percent of the adults in the study admitted to texting while driving, whereas only 43 percent of the teenagers in the study admitted to it.
A survey from Safe Kids Worldwide advocacy group shows that “although they’re otherwise protective of their young children, the survey finds, 78 percent of mothers with children under age two acknowledge talking on the phone while driving with their babies; 26 percent say they text or check their e-mail.”
“In 2011, at least 23% of auto collisions involved cell phones. Some studies have shown that texting while driving is six times as dangerous as driving drunk,” Texting and Driving Statistics reported. While people know the risk they are taking when they reach for their cell phone even if they are behind the wheel, they don’t believe anything bad could happen to them. However, if you are involved in any automobile accident then give Orlando, Florida Personal Injury Attorney, Carolyn Salzmann, a call today to schedule a consultation.