At Legally Pink Law, our team of attorneys work to ensure that you’re up to date on news related to defective medical devices and Orlando medical malpractice. Doctors at a the Cleveland Clinic have linked a particular heart device with increased incidence of blood clots according to The New York Times. The device highlights the importance of
The HeartMate II is a left ventricular assist device which works to help push blood through the heart. It’s used primarily for late-stage heart disease patients, but doctors noticed that devices installed after March 2011 resulted in a four-fold increase in incidences of blood clots. The manufacturer is cooperating to determine whether any change in device production or performance is responsible for the increase.
These issues pose question in terms of the science and logistics of medical device manufacturing, distribution, and implantation. As an individual relying on these devices, however, the effects can be life-changing. If you believe that your condition can be related to problems with a device, contact your Orlando medical malpractice and product liability attorneys at Legally Pink Law today.