Legally Pink Law wants to inform you that a bill limiting texting while driving has finally passed unanimously out a House transportation subcommittee. This means that this bill is finally moving forward, after years of proposals stalling out.
“On March 7, 2013, Rep. Doug Holder’s bill to make texting while driving a secondary offense passed unanimously out of a House transportation subcommittee. This was the first time this texting bill had been heard in a House committee in five years. While, the bill, HB 13, has more committees to clear, supporters called the vote a first, big step,” Rochelle Koff at the Tampa Bay Times reported.
Florida is one of five states without any type of texting while driving laws. “By making texting while driving a secondary offense, a motorist would have to commit another violation, such as careless driving, in order to be pulled over. However, after the driver had been stopped they could receive two tickets, one for the infraction and one for texting. Although it would be a secondary offense, texting would be allowed in hands-off high-tech cars and when a car is stopped at a red light or in a traffic jam,” Koff explains.
While Florida currently has no law against texting while driving, “in 2011 alone at least 23% of automobile accidents involved cell phones,” according to Texting and Driving Safety. Legally Pink Law has a small attorney to client ratio and is able to give an extremely high level of customer service. This has allowed The Salzmann Firm to negotiate higher settlement than previously seen at prior personal injury firms because the level of detail is so much higher and the insurance companies realize it. If you are in an automobile accident in Orlando, Florida then please give Legally Pink Law a call to schedule a consultation with one of our attorneys.