At Legally Pink Law, PLLC we understand there is nothing more heartbreaking than the senseless death of a loved one. Our neighbors in Georgia recently found police officers liable for the wrongful death of a pastor Jonathan Ayers despite a jury in 2009 finding the shooting justifiable.
A Georgia jury recently awarded $2.3 million to Ayers’ widow after he was shot and killed by undercover police officers during a drug sting operation. The officers approached Ayers at a gas station after he had contact with one of the targets of their operation. However, Ayers attempted to flee the scene as the officers approached his car, exiting a Cadillac Escalade and wearing street clothes. The officers felt endangered by his reckless driving and fired their weapons, killing Ayers.
Though originally the shooting was found justifiable, the widow’s wrongful death suit resulted in the award of over $2.3 million dollars. Your Orlando wrongful death attorney knows that no amount of money can ease the loss of a loved one, however, an award can often help the surviving victims. If you believe your loved one has been the victim of a wrongful death, please call Legally Pink Law, PLLC today.