Police scanner

At Legally Pink Law, PLLC, we’re your Orlando car accident attorneys dedicated to your financial and physical interests following an accident. Whether you’re a local resident or a visitor involved in a crash while on vacation, our firm can handle your case.

There are several factors that go in to your settlement following an automobile accident. And at every stage in the game, you can benefit from the advice of an attorney. The first issue is the information contained in the police report.

Without an attorney, insurance claims adjustors can review the police report for specific accident-related details, the officer’s name, and badge number. It is not uncommon for insurance company claims adjusters to contact investigating police officers to confirm statements that injured parties make on claims. With an attorney at your side, however, facts of the police report can be challenged. In fact, an Orlando car accident attorney may know to be especially cautious of facts in working with specific officers. That localized knowledge can benefit your claim, but you forgo that service when you deal directly with an insurance claims adjuster.

To ensure that the police report of the accident adequately describes the situation and to challenge details when necessary, be sure to contact your Orlando car accident attorney at Legally Pink Law, PLLC.