As your Orlando auto accident attorney, Carolyn Salzmann wants you to have a full understanding of your case concerning your injuries sustained during a car accident. That’s why we thought it was appropriate to share what MMI is, as it is a term used frequently in auto accident litigation.
It’s important to understand that MMI stands for maximum medical improvement. This means that you, as a victim of an auto accident have recovered fully from your injuries or your condition has become stable and your medical future is clear. At the point of MMI you will know what kind of ongoing medical care will be required, and what will it cost? You should also have an idea of the permanence of your disability or physical impairment. Auto accident cases should not be settled until a client reaches MMI, because the settlement should take permanent impairment and future medical costs into account.
As an experienced auto accident attorney in Orlando, Carolyn Salzmann looks forward to advocating for the adequate compensation you deserve after sustaining injuries in a car accident.