Before you hit the road for your Thanksgiving travel, be sure you’re thinking about how to avoid needing an accident attorney in Orlando over the holiday weekend. With a little planning, you can reduce your chances of an auto accident!
One of the simplest ways to avoid an accident during busy holiday travel is to plan ahead to drive hands-free. Don’t wait until you’re moving at 70 miles per hour to program Grandma’s address into your GPS or iPhone maps app. Instead, take a few minutes before leaving the driveway to program the address, sync the bluetooth, and hit the road with no distractions.
Hands-free navigation is one key to a successful holiday weekend behind the wheel. It’s worth a few extra moments of your time to plan ahead and stay alert. You can be sure that some drivers will be plugging in directions while moving at high speeds, so use caution and contact your Orlando accident lawyer if you need assistance!